Say Cheese!
- Posted on: Sep 18 2013
A smile can make all the difference. Read these famous quotes.
“We shall never know all the good that a smile can do.” – Mother Teresa
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” – Mark Twain
“The world is like a mirror; frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too.” – Herbert Samuels
“All people smile in the same language.” – Proverbs
“Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.” – W.C. Fields
Well, maybe not so much that last one, but a smile can make all the difference in your daily life. A good morning smile from you to your coffee server, whether that’s your barista or your spouse can start your day on a positive note. Throughout the day, every interaction with the people you meet or just pass by can be positively affected by a smile from you. Every conversation, even one over the telephone, is improved by a sincere smile. People can hear your smile in your voice. (A smiley face in a text message is NOT the same). Smiling is contagious, and an especially beautiful smile can show your sincerity, your happiness, kindness, positive attitude, etc.
Are you concerned with the appearance of your teeth and smile? Do you smile less often or not at all because of your concerns? Are you missing out on some of the joy in your daily life? Maybe it’s time to think about a Smile Makeover at Smile Texas. Do you have broken, chipped, damaged or discolored teeth? Crowded or missing teeth? A gummy smile? Smile Texas can help.
Dr. Rick L. Kline and Dr. Bret Davis have a combined 40+ years experience in cosmetic dentistry. They have completed thousands of Smile Makeovers during their careers. You can see dozens of their cases when you visit the Smile Gallery at Why not get the smile you want right now? Call us today to schedule your Complimentary Consultation.
Posted in: Cosmetic Dentistry Journal